The Ayurvedic Doctor (AyD) focuses on the management of health & wellness from a holistic perspective.
ā€¯Complementary and Alternativeā€¯ (CAM) solutions are available to address:
eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions
herbs and diet
gastro / intestinal conditions
any other chronic illness or disease
body detoxification and cleanse (panchakarma)
weight loss
immunity / ojas
hormone regulation
behavior disorders (i.e. ADD, ADHD)
allergy relief
Initial Consultation
$175.00 USD
Initial consultation for disease management and control
- Initial Consultation = 2 hours
Engaging in a collaborative relationship with an Ayurvedic Doctor constitutes a comprehensive journey encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, all aimed at achieving optimal health and tranquility. Ayurvedic Doctors fulfill a multifaceted role, embodying the functions of a health professional, counselor, and coach, as they guide individuals in establishing a balanced lifestyle and facilitating healing from various conditions.
* A completed "Client Questionnaire" is required to be submitted at least 48 hours prior to your initial consultation appointment. These forms will be emailed to you once your consultation is booked.
Report of Findings
(Price Included in Initial Consultation)
Results and Findings from the IC appointment
The Report of Findings meeting should be scheduled 1-week following the Initial Consultation. This one-hour long meeting provides the practitioner the opportunity to present any / all findings:
- Doshic Constitution
- Doshic Imbalances
- Ayurvedic treatment plan and options
- Further education on Ayurveda topics
- All Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations and treatments are uniquely tailored for the individual client
Follow-Up Visit
$75.00 USD
Check-Ups and Further Plan Implementation
- Regular visits are recommended to be beneficial, effective, and to experience maximum results
- Any / All Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations and treatments are uniquely tailored for the individual client
- Follow Up Visits are intended to re-evaluate previous health and lifestyle recommendations and to modify accordingly
- The FUV is also used to assess the progress of herbal remedies previously provided
- Any new ailments / issues / questions can also be addressed during the FUV meeting(s)